Be engaged in design constantly
Jason 04:37 PM 17-Jul-19
Now, this does not mean you should be working all the time. Take a look at web design in a different light:
- This is arts which connects to many other arts such as: photography, drawing, painting, fashion
- The good news is, that all these connections keep web design world really busy: get involved in community life, discuss the newest trends, techniques and the likes.
- Visit exhibitions, they can serve you with tons of inspiration
- Spend time out in the nature because everyone needs refreshment from time to time
- Try to build a community you go out with and discuss design plans, ideas together. Colleagues are also great for the occasion.
- Draw, paint try to think of creating something new, which is not part of your work. This is a good way to keep motivation. That’s why so many web designers deal with other hobbies, from graphic arts to making tattoos or write blogs.
All in all it’s easy to keep your relationship to design all you need is to love arts all in all.