Do not work with problematic clients
Jason 05:47 PM 17-Jul-19
The title is a tad controversial because when you are working at a company, where it is not you to choose your clients or have any power on choosing them. If your client is problematic, there is not much you can do, but to do your best not to give them too many reasons to complain.
How can you do that? Here are a couple of tips for you
- Be professional and never let a client make you angry or stressed out
- Be brief but make sure all their expectations were discussed and talked about. If it’s about a notoriously hard client, you can even make a voice recording so that you can prove to them what you were agreeing on.
- When it’s about complaining clients the most important is to set the price and have them sign an agreement or contract.
- Most problematic clients complain because they simply don’t want to pay and they hope their complaints will help them escape from paying at all. Make sure all is set in writing and legally agreed before getting started.