Turn off the Internet

Jason 08:38 PM 17-Jul-19

Turn off the Internet

No, this doesn’t mean that you should go off the internet altogether. After all you will need internet for both your work and your daily inspiration, not to mention all the time you need to spend with designing, finding ideas and such.

What we mean is to take care of your health and go offline from time to time, indulge yourself in a hobby that does not involve sitting in front of the computer. Here are some suggestions:

  • Go hiking
  • Go on tours
  • Meet friends and family
  • Spend time outside
  • Go out in the nature

All in all, what you need is to get some fresh air off the internet and far from your computer. These days, getting disconnected is really becoming trendy for this reason.

So, try it and use it to recharge your batteries and regain inspiration and the will to work this way.

Turn off the Internet